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Norstar Phone Not working

Nortel Networks phone not working

A user has reported “Our Nortel Networks phone not working”  here are the steps to troubleshooting Nortel Phone not working.

Nortel Networks phone not working

The first step in this process is to determine if it is a single Nortel Phone, a group of Nortel Phones, or a Nortel Phone System itself.  Determine not all phones and determine if you have dial tone on the other phones.

Nortel Networks Support


Nortel Support

Nortel Networks phone not working

If it is just a single phone 

Single Nortel T7316 Phone
Step (1) Determine take a working phone from another location and swap it for the phone that is not working. If this resolves the issue
then this is likely a single bad phone that has broken internally. You can contact us for Nortel Phone Repair.

Step (2) Check connections. There are two connections or wires that matter.  The first is the plug on the bottom of the phone and that wire runs to the wall jack. These wires can go back and you can replace the wire with a working wire of another phone to test.  If it is the wire you can call to get a replacement line cord. The other wire is the handset. If the phone sounds dead but it appears to have power then test to see if the “Coil Cord” receive wire is broken inside. Often this can break and no sound can be heard.

Step (3) At this point you can also try a soft Reset – where you disengage the phone line cord from the T7316e Phone and replace it back. It takes a few minutes for it to potentially reconnect to the Nortel.

You can also try Lifting the handset and placing it back on the cradle a few times to see if it wakes up the connection to he Nortel Phone System.

Nortel Networks phone not working

Troubleshooting a Nortel Network Phone that is not acting properly
If you are hitting buttons but they are either not working or not going to what you expect or not directing you as expected

Step (1)
Phone appears to have power and working but is not acting properly. This can happen as buttons can get loose and get trapped under the phone housing. So run your hand across the keypads and determine if a button is stuck down. You can use your finger to wiggle each key to see if its loose or under the housing.

If no display is working on the Nortel Network Phone and you have no dial tone but another phone works at that location you have a bad phone and we can repair the phone for you.

Step (2)
Check to see if this is common among all phones? If it is then again this is likely a firmware issue with the Nortel Phone System.

Nortel Networks Support
For additional Troubleshooting and support contact Nortel Works for additional Nortel Phone Troubleshooting 1-888-383-6286

We are listed on 411telecom for expert Nortel Repair



Nortel Networks


United States 

How to make a conference call on a Nortel

How do I make a conference call on a Nortel?

Conference calls are a powerful feature on an office phone system and the Nortel was ahead of its time back in the early 90s when it was created.

Question from a user “How do I make a conference call on a Nortel Phone?”

Nortel Networks
How to make a conference call on a Nortel Phone

The answer is actually is fairly easy.

You make your first call and place that caller on HOLD and then make your second call.

Once you have that caller on the phone hit your [feature] button followed by

the number 3 and you and the two other callers should be on a conference call.

(Providing you have 3 Phone lines)

If you have been wondering “How do a Nortel Conference call on a Nortel Phone” this should help you.


Nortel Phone

The Nortel Phone System is known to be flexible and feature-rich.

Nortel (previously Northern Telecom) manufactured telephones for business users from the 1980s to 2009, beginning with the Meridian series.  Nortel Norstar phone systems and Norstar integrated communication systems (ICS) are known for their premium quality.

Norstar phone systems offered some of the industry’s highest reliability ratings, and they’re fitted with LCD screens that allow for easy maneuvering through the telephone’s systems and features.

We provide onsite support still in many areas for the Nortel Phone System and the Norstar Phones.

Nortel Networks Support

Nortel User Guide


United States

Nortel Networks Support

Troubleshooting Norstar Nortel Phone not ringing

Nortel phone system not ringing

A user has reported “Our Nortel Phones are not ringing”,  the following information may help you resolve this situation on your Nortel Phone System.

Nortel Phone Not Ringing

Nortel phone system not ringing

First, we must determine if this is an individual phone or group of phones or all phones on the system.

Check to see if other phones are ringing, if other phones are ringing then it may be a bad phone.  Test by taking a ringing phone and bringing it over to that location.

A) if that phone stops ringing once brought over call in and hit the up arrow on the volume key while the handset is on the cradle.  If that works it is resolved.

B )  If the ringing phone works then determine if the other phone is bad by testing it on another ringing extensions desk.  We offer replacement phones.

Nortel phone system not ringing

Group or All Phones

If a group of phones or all phones are not ringing

Determine if phones have a display working – If no display it is likely a system-wide Nortel Networks problem and you need support.

Determine if the display is working but still not ringing – are arrows flashing on keys?

Alert Warning– Power Cycling a Norstar Meridian Phone System can risk termination failure.  These systems are not designed to be powered cycled.

However, if ALL phones are not ringing then you may want to power cycle the phone system and allow 10 to 15 minutes for it to return to operation and test again.

Nortel phone system not ringing

Determine if dial tone is heard on the receiver if you do not have dial tone.  Test call from one extension such as 223 to 221 to see ringing is working but the lines are not.  If ringing now works but no dial tone contact Nortel Works and your carrier for next steps.



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Nortel Networks

Mail Box Locked Contact Admin Voicemail

If you have a Norstar Norstar or Nortel Phone System and you’re getting the message – Mail Box Locked Contact Admin  here is the steps you need to take to unlock your Nortel Voicemail.

A User is reporting

Norstar phone System Mail box locked Contact Admin 

First, know that the label mail box does not have to be the same as the extension number and can be a group voicemail.  You may want to use inspection feature to determine which voicemail box it is.

‘invalid password’ error because the correct password is forgotten or lost, it is possible to reset the password to the system default (0000).

mail box locked contact Admin

Each mailbox is assigned a maximum number of incorrect login attempts. When this number is exceeded the account is ‘locked-out’ and may only be accessed again after the System Coordinator has reset the password.

A forgotten password cannot be recovered.

Procedure to reset Norstar Mail password:
Enter Feature 985 on the phone, then set XXXX (something will appear).
At this point, hit 9 on the phone, and enter the password 73738767793 – this spells resetsmpswd.
RESET PSWD? is displayed. Respond with YESThe password is now reset to the default: 0000.To Check Your Voicemail:

  1. Press the Check Voicemail key or press the Feature button, then 981
  2. Enter your password
  3. From here you can listen to messages, change your greeting, change your password, etc.
Logging in:

the depress



. “LOG” appears on the screen.

Enter the default password for the system.The default password is as follows:

  • If your system uses 2 digit extensions: 120000
  • If your system uses 3 digit extensions: 1020000
  • If your system uses 4 digit extensions: 10020000


Nortel Voicemail

Norstar Nortel Voicemail was one of the most advanced for its day.   These components were early versions of modern chips and boards that now may be experiencing faults and failures.  Many of these systems exceed 20 years of age and that is beyond their useable life.

Nortel Networks Phone System Repair

United States 


What is Nortel Customer Number

How do I contact Nortel

How do I contact Nortel

If you’re wondering how to Contact Nortel or Nortel Networks? Here is how you reach Nortel Support for Troubleshooting and Nortel Repair.

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Locally & Nationally

Nortel Customer Service
Norstar Nortel Phone Systems were popular from 1980s to 2009

Nortel Customer Service


Question:  How do I contact Nortel

Nortel Networks

When you’re looking for Nortel Networks or Nortel Support you will find that Nortel Networks filed bankruptcy in 2009 and for a while, you could get support from Avaya and Nortel Works.  Nortel Works is still able to support you in 37 states across the country.

The Evolution of Business Communication: Landline to VoIP

Businesses have been relying on landline phones for over a century, with their usage widespread across the globe. The advent of VoIP and Cloud Phone Systems introduced new dimensions to corporate communications, offering features conducive to remote working. However, these modern systems come with their own challenges. For businesses not requiring remote functionalities, traditional line telephone systems remain the preferred choice due to their straightforwardness. For instance, placing a call on hold and retrieving it from any phone within the system is simple and intuitive. Brands like Avaya 18D, Nortel T7316e, and Meridian M7310 have been crowd favorites among these line phone systems.

Advantages & Limitations of Traditional Line Phone Systems

The simplicity and reliability of traditional line phone systems have made them a mainstay in many offices. Users adore brands such as Avaya 18D, Nortel T7316e, and Meridian M7310, which stand out as some of the most popular handsets. However, one limitation of this system is its restricted functionality for remote work; setting up a remote connection often necessitates using two lines connected to the main system. Despite this, the ease of use and stability of these systems have prompted business owners to seek repair services for their Avaya or Nortel phones rather than replacing them.

Contacting Nortel for Support in Today’s Times

Though Nortel ceased its operations in 2009, support for its products is still available, primarily through Nortel Works. This national entity specializes in Nortel Support and even offers repair services for Nortel products. However, a challenge that businesses might face is finding skilled Nortel technicians. Given the time elapsed since Nortel’s discontinuation, many technicians familiar with their products are older than the average tech professional. Thus, securing a provider with the requisite knowledge to maintain or repair these systems is crucial.

Identifying Your Nortel System

Nortel’s product range has spanned several brands over the years. Norstar, Nortel, Nortel Networks, Meridian, and BCM are some of the labels you might encounter on your communication equipment. Among these, the Nortel T7316 and Nortel T7316e models have been particularly popular, often taking pride of place on many office desks.

Contacting Nortel for Support

While the world has seen tremendous advancements in communication technologies, traditional line phone systems, especially from brands like Nortel, continue to hold their ground in many business settings. Their ease of use and dependability make them a favored choice for many. And even though Nortel as a company no longer exists, support and repair services remain accessible, ensuring that businesses can continue to rely on these robust systems.


This article is in reference to obtaining Nortel Support, or more accurately how do I contact Nortel?  If this article was helpful please take a moment an share it.


Related to:

Nortel networks customer service number


United States


Phone Says feature unavailable

Feature Unavailable Nortel Voicemail not working

A User Reported Issue

“Feature Unavailable appears on the screen of our Nortel T7316 Phone. We are not able to access voicemail, and when callers select a desk voicemail won’t pick up and is transferred to the operator.”

Nortel Voicemail not working
Nortel Voicemail not working “Feature Unavailable” on Norstar Phone

Nortel or Nortel Norstar Voicemail was one of the most advanced voicemail systems developed before the early 2000s, and many organizations still use Nortel Voicemail today. As parts age, you may experience faults and failures in the Nortel Voicemail system. You might find that the Nortel Phone says “Feature Unavailable on Nortel Phone.”

Nortel Voicemail Repair

Get onsite Support for Nortel


How do you repair – “Feature Unavailable”

You should consult with a trained Nortel Support Technician to help determine the cause of the code “Feature Unavailable” appearing on your screen. Depending on the model of the voicemail, there are some diagnostics that you can share with our Nortel Support Team at 1-888-383-6286 to identify the fault.

This code indicates that the voicemail unit is not functioning correctly and is experiencing a fault, which is why it says “Feature Unavailable” because the voicemail is not accessible by the Nortel Phone System.

What are the symptoms of “Feature Unavailable”?

When you look at your Norstar, Meridian, or Nortel Phone, a code on the screen displays – Feature Unavailable –

When you press the voicemail key, the voicemail cannot be reached.

  • You cannot retrieve messages, nor can callers leave a message.
  • Your auto attendant is also not functioning

However, other functions of the system may appear to work correctly.

Feature Unavailable voicemail not working

Get Nortel Voicemail User Guides

Visit Nortel Voicemail User Guides at Nortel Help Desk

About Nortel Voicemail

Nortel Voicemail is renowned as one of the most advanced voicemail systems created by a phone system provider. These systems were built with the cutting-edge technology of their time. However, as this early-generation technology ages, faults and failures are becoming more common Related to:


Nortel | Norstar | Meridian | Nortel Networks


Invalid Feature on Nortel

Invalided Feature Nortel Voicemail not working

A User Reported Issue

“Invalid Feature appears on the screen of our Nortel T7316 Phone that says Inactive feature.  We are not able to access voicemail and when callers select a desk voicemail won’t pickup and is transferred to the operator”

Nortel Voicemail Not working - Feature invalid

Nortel or Nortel Norstar Voicemail was one of the most advanced Voicemail systems developed before the early 2000s and many organizations are still running Nortel Voicemail today.  As parts age you will begin to experience faults and failures of the Nortel Voicemail system.   You may find that the Nortel Phone says “Invalid feature on Nortel Phone”.


Nortel Voicemail Repair

Get onsite Support for Nortel


How do you repair – “Invalid Feature”

You need a trained Nortel Technician to help you determine what is causing the code on the screen to show “Invalid Feature”.   Depending on the model of the Voicemail there are some diagnostics that you can share with our Nortel Support Team at 1-888-383-6286 to help you determine the fault.

This code is indicating that the Voicemail unit is not properly functioning and is experiencing a fault and this is why it is saying Invalid feature because the voicemail is not accessible by the Nortel Phone System.

What is the symptom of “Invalid Feature”

When you look at your Meridian, Norstar, or Nortel Phone a code on the screen displays – Invalid Feature –

When you hit the key for voicemail the voicemail can not be reached.

Other related

  • Your auto attendant may also not be functioning
  • You can not retrieve messages nor can callers leave a message

But other functions of the system appear to be working correctly

Nortel Networks Customer Service

 Get Nortel Voicemail User Guides

ToVisit Nortel Voicemail User Guides at Nortel Help Desk


About Nortel Voicemail

Nortel Voicemail has been known to be one of the most advanced voicemail system created by a Phone System provider even today.  These advanced voicemail systems were built on advanced technology of the day.  However, as this early generation technology it will begin to experience faults and failures.


Nortel | Nostar | Meridian | Nortel Networks