How do I make a conference call on a Nortel?

Conference calls are a powerful feature on an office phone system and the Nortel was ahead of its time back in the early 90s when it was created.

Question from a user “How do I make a conference call on a Nortel Phone?”

Nortel Networks
How to make a conference call on a Nortel Phone

The answer is actually is fairly easy.

You make your first call and place that caller on HOLD and then make your second call.

Once you have that caller on the phone hit your [feature] button followed by

the number 3 and you and the two other callers should be on a conference call.

(Providing you have 3 Phone lines)

If you have been wondering “How do a Nortel Conference call on a Nortel Phone” this should help you.


Nortel Phone

The Nortel Phone System is known to be flexible and feature-rich.

Nortel (previously Northern Telecom) manufactured telephones for business users from the 1980s to 2009, beginning with the Meridian series.  Nortel Norstar phone systems and Norstar integrated communication systems (ICS) are known for their premium quality.

Norstar phone systems offered some of the industry’s highest reliability ratings, and they’re fitted with LCD screens that allow for easy maneuvering through the telephone’s systems and features.

We provide onsite support still in many areas for the Nortel Phone System and the Norstar Phones.

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