Nortel phone system not ringing

A user has reported “Our Nortel Phones are not ringing”,  the following information may help you resolve this situation on your Nortel Phone System.

Nortel Phone Not Ringing

Nortel phone system not ringing

First, we must determine if this is an individual phone or group of phones or all phones on the system.

Check to see if other phones are ringing, if other phones are ringing then it may be a bad phone.  Test by taking a ringing phone and bringing it over to that location.

A) if that phone stops ringing once brought over call in and hit the up arrow on the volume key while the handset is on the cradle.  If that works it is resolved.

B )  If the ringing phone works then determine if the other phone is bad by testing it on another ringing extensions desk.  We offer replacement phones.

Nortel phone system not ringing

Group or All Phones

If a group of phones or all phones are not ringing

Determine if phones have a display working – If no display it is likely a system-wide Nortel Networks problem and you need support.

Determine if the display is working but still not ringing – are arrows flashing on keys?

Alert Warning– Power Cycling a Norstar Meridian Phone System can risk termination failure.  These systems are not designed to be powered cycled.

However, if ALL phones are not ringing then you may want to power cycle the phone system and allow 10 to 15 minutes for it to return to operation and test again.

Nortel phone system not ringing

Determine if dial tone is heard on the receiver if you do not have dial tone.  Test call from one extension such as 223 to 221 to see ringing is working but the lines are not.  If ringing now works but no dial tone contact Nortel Works and your carrier for next steps.



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